Tuesday, July 19, 2022

COMPTIA Network+ Exam sim with Labsim

Network+, offered by CompTIA, tests the candidate of his/her ability to plan, configure, and troubleshoot home and office networks, primarily in the TCP/IP domain. You may download the software by going to the website. CompTIA Network+

Network+ exam simulator consists of 500+ questions with Flash cards. Question types include: Multiple Choice Single/Multiple Answer, Exhibit type, Drag &Drop ,Simulator type, and Performance based

The important features of the Exam Simulator:

  1. Up to date practice questions with detailed explanations.
  2. Immediate online activation.
  3. Verify for any product updates.
  4. Store and view results at a later date, or review answers.
  5. Integrated Test Environment that allows for installed/available test modules.
  6. Supports several question types including multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blanks, drag-n-drop, etc. that provide close to actual exam environment.
Some of the Screen shot of the Exam simulator


Lab Simulator for Network+ Features :

  1. Lab exercises -currently 50+ labs are included with scenario type labs for NAT, OSPF, EIGRP, Access Lists, and others.
  2. Workstation, Server, Access Point, Router and Switch (IOS) network simulator.
  3. Configure Wireless Access Point, DHCP Server, and Switches.
  4. Detailed help files that provide step by step instructions on using the simulator have been provided.
  5. The demo version is limited to a fewer labs, and upto global configuration mode is supported in demo version.
  6. Supports short form commands, and tab in IOS simulator.
  7. GUI based device configuration.

Several new features added to Lab simulator include

  1. Ability to enable/disable navigation buttons
  2. Administrator login for lab profiles configuration
  3. Saving and reloading half completed labs
  4. Resetting individual and all labs to default
  5. Marking not attempted, not completed , completed labs in different color for easy identification.
  6. Bookmarking individual labs.
  7. Bookmarking all labs under selected section
  8. Take Backup/Restore of lab progress.

Lab Simulator Main window

 Also check this for : A+ Exam sim with Labsim

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