Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Learning And Assessment Software

The Learning And Assessment Software combines the author engine, content engine, assessment and learning engine in to one to create centralized question database and lessons which can be populated and edited by various authors. Assessment and learning engine can be used by candidates to login and take exams, or to import the lessons and learn. LAAS also includes collab engine which uses Jitsi Collab Software to allow administrators to start a video conference meeting with all the students.

Important features of the LAAS Software

  1. Configure the application to use your own server database (available only in enterprise version)
  2. Create any number of authors to populate questions for assessment and lessons.
  3. Centralized database allows multiple authors to populate a single database.
  4. Support for major question types asked in computer based exams. Also supports multimedia in questions. Additional question types like fill in the blanks and text drag and drop are also supported.
  5. Upload bulk questions and candidate details.
  6. Configure the application to use your own server database.
  7. Set exam environment for each exam.
  8. Exam result reports include scorecards, time analysis, and topic wise analysis.
  9. Score Calculation : At end of each exam (learn and exam) modes candidate is given a score calculation based on the total number of questions present in exam and number of correctly answered questions in that exam
  10. Categorywise Scoring : At end of the exam grade screen shows score obtained in each of the category from which exam had questions.
Free demo is available with which one can try the system by installing and using the software. Please visit the website for more information:

Please email us at sales(at) for more information and free demo account.

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