Monday, August 31, 2015

Cisco Configuration Professional (CCP) - A Graphical User Interface.

Cisco CCP Screen Shot
CCP short for Cisco Configuration Professional is a graphical user interface (GUI) provided by Cisco Systems for managing Cisco devices that are running Cisco IOS. The software is proprietary to Cisco, and does not conform to any open standards.

A sample screen shot of the CCP user interface is given here.

As can be seen from the figure, the left pane consists of various functions that we can perform on the devices. The actual parameters (values) are set in the right pane.

Two versions of CCP are available. One is CCP, and the other is CCP Express.

The GUI is useful in performing complex router configurations even without knowing Cisco IOS commands. The software converts the GUI config options to router commands automatically.

Cisco Configuration Professional Express Offers:
  • Basic configuration of router WAN and LAN interfaces
  • Hostname, Dynamic Name Server (DNS), and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) configurations
  • User Management for the router
  • Configuration of plug-n-play server
  • Dashboard, basic troubleshooting, and command line interface (CLI) tool
 For more information on CCP, check this out:

The network simulator offered by provides a basic version of CCP, which may be downloaded here:–-part-ii

 Juniper routers have similar GUI, called Jweb.