Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Simulationexams.com Computer Based Test Engine

Anand Software and Training, a private limited company, recently released Computer Based Test Engine. The software is useful for educators and organizations in assessing the students and/or employees using computer based tests. The CBT consists of two components:
  1. Computer Based Test - Author Module
  2. Computer Based Test - Exam Engine, and
1. Author Module:
The Author Module enables an author to perform several activities including the following:
  • Create, edit, and/or delete a test
  • Create Groups and Candidate profiles
  • Create, edit and/or delete questions.
Several types of questions are supported by the Computer Based Tester. These  include the following question types:
  • Multiple Choice Single Answers
  • Multiple Choice Multi Answer
  • Drag-n-drop 
  • Hotspot
  • Testlet type of questions, wherein a candidate has to answer two or more questions based on a given scenario.
The author module is free to download and use. Any number of tests may be created using author module. There is no limit on the number of questions in a particular test.

How the entire software works: The author creates one or more tests using the freely downloadable author test module. The author may create student profiles and the groups to which a student belongs. He may also assign the tests that belong to a particular group. By default, there is only one group to which all tests are assigned. After completion of test questions, groups (optional), and student profiles (optional), the author saves (exports) the exam info to a known location on the local or remote computer. Now, the examiner imports the test module from the computer on which the Exam Engine is installed. After importing, it is possible to administer the exam to the candidates.Detailed help files are available in the product website.

Note that even though the CBT Author Module is free to download and use, one needs to buy the Exam Engine.

Exam Engine: The CBT - Exam Engine provides the platform to administer exams to the candidates. Typically, the examiner imports the previously saved test module(s) and re initializes the exam engine. The exam engine is packed with several features. Given below are few of the important features:
  • Learn and exam modes to enable students to learn first and then assess their skills
  • Review the questions after test is completed
  • Timed
  • Configurable. Most of the features including the question weightage, number of questions in an exam, whether to provide back button, or to enable review of questions by the student, etc. are all configurable by the examiner. Even the study mode may be disabled by the examiner.
  • Adjustable font and night modes: Night mode flips the screen colors so that the display is soft on the human eyes even during night. Adjustable font enables a candidate to attend to the exam with comfort.
The CBT -Exam Engine is available in demo mode for assessing the usefulness of the software to a given requirement. Any queries may please be sent to cs at swregn.com.